Editor of Ministry Today
Katharine and Richard Hill have written a very useful guide called Rules of Engagement: How to Plan a Successful Wedding, How to Build a Marriage that Lasts (Lion/Care for the Family, 2005; 140pp; £6.99; ISBN 0 7459 4886 3). Thankfully, the book is more concise than the title! It’s an ...
Ministry Today in Cyberspace Editorials for Ministry Today are normally written by Paul Beasley-Murray, but, on this one occasion, I’ve taken on the task because of the significant change which is about to be made to the journal. As many of our subscribers will know, Ministry Today has, for a ...
Recently we did something we’ve never done before. We went to the launch party of a rock ’n roll band who were about to release their first single. The reason we were there is that our son was a member of the band. They were loud, energetic, funny, rude and ...
Parish Priest, Diocesan Parish Development Adviser and Editor of Ministry Today After being a Baptist minister for 15 years, I was ordained into the Church of England in July 2000. This is the (much abbreviated) story of that journey. Starting the journey So how did a good Baptist boy get ...
(The author was asked to offer a theology of stewardship as part of a training course for newly appointed Stewardship Advisers in the Church of England. The following is a transcript of that presentation, amended somewhat for a seminar at the Baptist Union Assembly in Cardiff, 2003) Setting out in ...
Regular readers will remember Paul Beasley-Murray’s impassioned appeal in the previous edition of this journal that professional photographers should not be allowed to dominate weddings. Quite right too! Sadly, however, where there is money to be made, there will be people who are willing to exploit the situation for their ...
Having recently had to move my whole private library to a different room, I'm perhaps more sharply aware of the real 'treasures' than I would otherwise be. In making my choice, I assume I'm allowed a Bible and Shakespeare in addition to these ten. If a Bible is to be ...
The present situation Many church leaders seem to be unnecessarily nervous of management techniques - indeed the very word 'management' is to some a 'boo' word. As members of a caring profession, they tend to be much more comfortable with issues of spirituality and pastoralia than with management skills (which ...
At 50, I’m actually quite old. I discovered this some years ago when I left Baptist pastoral ministry. I began applying for various jobs, but found that I was barred from many of the jobs for which I was ideally qualified. The problem was not my race or my gender, ...
This article has been adapted from introductory teaching shared at a series of Away Days held over 1999-2000 for those in Baptist Ministries. In the 1960s, songwriter Bob Dylan sang: 'If your time to you is worth savin', Then you'd better start swimming Or you'll sink like a stone For ...
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