Editor of Ministry Today
Growing Together in Unity and Mission: Building on forty years of Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue (SPCK, London 2007; 64pp; £7.99; ISBN 978 0 281 05393) forms "An agreed statement of the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission", and deals with such issues as belief in God as Trinity; the ...
If you are not a minister in the Anglican communion, you may feel tempted to pass over this article, because, after all, you may surmise, most other denominations (especially Baptists, Brethren and the Pentecostals) have no problems with Lay Ministry. We’ve been doing it for centuries. And anyway, the independency ...
Roland Allen was a man ahead of his time. As far back as the 1920s, he seized on the issue of the stipendiary professional clergy as the outstanding difference between St Paul’s methods and our own, and the outstanding bar to the growth of the church. Although at the time ...
The murder, on the doorstep of his vicarage in Trecynon, of the Revd Paul Bennett, a week ago as I write, meant that the only conversations I had in the parish for the next few days were on that subject. Paul’s parish is just 15 miles from my own (although ...
Almost all of us in ministry rely on the work, paid or volunteer, of a number of other people. One of the most important rewards for all staff is to know that they are valued by their employer, doing a good job and that they are getting better at doing ...
IVP has established a great reputation for its dictionaries. Its latest biblical dictionary, The Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books (IVP, Leicester 2006; 1060pp; £32.99 hardback; ISBN 0978 1 84474 094 9) edited by Bill T Arnold and H G M Williamson, is a superb production and an absolute ...
Some friends came to visit recently. Dave and Cathy (not their real names) started their own business in the back bedroom of their home, but recently took the big decision to move out into rented office space. I asked them why they had done this, especially since it had such ...
Three recent events caused me to reflect on the connection between performance skills and the leading of worship. First was a conversation with a friend, an Anglo-Catholic priest with a true heart for evangelism, who spent most of his working life as a professional actor before being ordained. Over dinner, ...
The Prayer God Longs For (IVP. Leicester 2005; 124pp; £6.99; ISBN 1 84474 091 9) by James Emery White, is a short book of eight short chapters, giving us a delightful set of reflections on the Lord’s Prayer. It is full of thoughtful comment, good stories and appropriate quotations. It ...
In her lively commentary on the book of Esther (Abingdon, Nashville 2005; 177pp; £13.99; ISBN 0 687 47942 2. Available in the UK through Alban Books of Edinburgh), Linda Day addresses not simply the traditional concerns of scholars, but also seeks to root the message of Esther, ‘the outed Jew, ...
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