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Membership fees:

Membership fees run from July 1st each year.

  • £20.00 per year if living in GB and paying by BACS transfer or standing order (auto renewal). £30.00 Europe and £40.00 elsewhere.
  • £10.00 per year retired ministers paying by BACS or standing order (auto renewal).
  • £10.00 per year for student ministers, probationer ministers and curates during training paying by BACS.
  • £30.00 per year or £50.00 per two years if paying by cheque.
  • £15.00 per year or £30.00 for two years for retired ministers if paying by cheque.

We strongly encourage you to pay by BACS or auto renewing standing order.

If you need help with the process for BACS or standing order please contact the membership secretary.


Remittances and membership enquiries should be sent to the membership secretary:

Revd. William Ruddle,

Northgate House,




PE11 3SQ


Tel: 01775 710706





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