Let's be honest: many of us ministers secretly worship the god of success. We long to be successful in ministry. We long to be pastors of bigger and better churches. We long for the kind of recognition that comes when we are invited to address a Spring Harvest crowd or ...
Introduction 'The man who is won to Christ by a good argument is at the mercy of a better one'. It was David Watson who said this shortly before his death, when his appreciation of 'signs and wonders' ministry as an evangelistic tool was at its height. Watson, in subtly ...
The loss of religious meanings There is a religious advert in the London Underground that stands out like a sore thumb: it wonders why young people are not attending a certain 'tabernacle' to hear the gospel. On the one hand the presentation is modern and multi-cultural. The brief story-line is ...
Part I is available here! Getting Practical All of us are sons or daughters who may hold several roles in the family - child, sibling, spouse, parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, cousin. Most of us belong to three or four generation families which live in a number ...
You are reading Issue 8 of Ministry Today, published in October 1996.
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