CONSTANT CHANGE IS HERE TO STAY! In their book In Search Of Excellence (Harper & Row, New York 1982) Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman analysed 43 of America's best-run companies such as IBM and 3M. Within two years of the publication of that best-seller, 14 of these businesses were in ...
The Church of England has much in its patterns of ministry about which to been embarrassed or even ashamed (not least in a system of diocesan episcopacy which often bears little relationship to its own public rationale). It has an appalling history of clericalism, an hierarchical caste-system, and a bizarre ...
While I agree with the concept of a curacy as an ' apprenticeship' of sorts, and while it is quite possibly true that induction to ministry in the Church of England might be more thorough than that of other denominations, Colin Buchanan's article nevertheless begs some urgent and vital issues ...
While working for the Billy Graham Global Mission, I came to admire the character, leadership and outstanding qualities of Bob Williams, the International Director. When I asked him for guidance regarding suitable books on leadership, he replied without hesitation, , Seven Habits of Highly Effective People' , by Stephen Covey. ...
Amid the many disagreements that concern Christians and churches today, there would be no dispute that the churches are set in a changing environment and that ministries, too, are changing. Whether this is for better or worse it is too early to know. But it cannot be denied that we ...
Part Two appears in Issue 8 Introduction The Lozells area of Binningham teems with life. It is as if the world meets in these streets with their brightly coloured sari shops and foodstores selling oriental spices, mangos, sweet potatoes and plantain. People have their cultural roots in Asia especially Bangladesh ...
Every so often someone asks me to put them in touch with a church with a really good programme of adult education. They want an example of how things should be done. I still find it difficult to know where to send them. Here in Scotland, at least, good examples ...
You are reading Issue 7 of Ministry Today, published in June 1996.
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