Author: | Andrew and Rachel Wilson |
Published By: | IVP (Nottingham) |
Pages: | 152 |
Price: | £8.99 |
ISBN: | 978 1 7835 9352 1 |
At last, a say it how it is, authentic account of one couple's journey as parents of disabled children. As parents of an autistic son ourselves, we could very easily identify with the pain, challenges and joys that the authors reveal in this book. Whilst the initial chapter is particularly painful, we would encourage people to read on. The structure, comprising chapters dealing with ongoing bereavement and grief (Weeping), Worshipping, Waiting and Witnessing is easy to follow. There are no trite, simplistic answers given to the question of suffering. The authors grapple with their own vulnerabilities and weaknesses in an honest fashion, presenting theological insights and the need for authenticity in God's presence. What is particularly helpful are their ideas on joy and thankfulness.....under pressure.
We warmly commend this book.
You are reading Issue 66 of Ministry Today, published in March 2016.
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