What a difference light makes to a church building. At Central Baptist Church, Chelmsford, our old ‘sanctuary’ was dark and depressing, but when we redeveloped our church premises, we created new roof-lights. Now light streams in, and the worship space has been transformed. Light uplifts the spirit and inspires the ...
I have noted in funeral ministry over the years an increase in printed orders of service with a picture of the deceased on the front cover. It raises the question ‘What picture of you would you want on the front cover for your funeral order of service – and why?’ ...
Editor’s note: This article is unusual for Ministry Today in that it addresses issues of biblical and theological interpretation, rather than addressing the pastoral issues which inevitably follow from any discussion of sexuality. However, having published two articles which came to this subject from a pastoral viewpoint, we now publish this as a counterbalance. In reading this article, readers may find it helpful to refer to those previous articles and draw your own conclusions. Certainly, there are pastoral questions arising from Terry’s viewpoint. As always, we stress that, as an organisation, Ministry Today UK does not espouse any particular point of view on these or any other matters.
In this article, I will go behind the headlines and explore a little more of what is happening in our universities, which may be of interest to ministers of all denominations. It is likely that most will know someone who is either a student or staff member at a university. ...
How do ministers move on from one pastorate to another? How do they bring to an end the pastoral relationship they have built up over months and years, a relationship which involves leading worship and preaching, teaching and mentoring, pastoral care and group leadership? These questions were very much on ...
It continues to be madness to believe that there is such a thing as a free lunch! Beyond that statement, the use of the word ‘mad’ or any derivative will not be found within this article. This is because over the past two years, in serving as a Chaplain at ...
Throughout much of the first decade of the 21st century, a feature of the annual Baptist Assembly of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and BMS World Mission was the Dr G R Beasley-Murray Memorial Lecture, honouring the memory of this celebrated British New Testament scholar, particularly associated here with ...
You are reading Issue 64 of Ministry Today, published in July 2015.
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