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Beyond the Edge: Spiritual Transitions for Adventurous Souls

Author: Andrew D Mayes
Published By: SPCK (London)
Pages: 160
Price: £10.99
ISBN: 978 0 281 07114 2

Reviewed by Colin Selby.

In Beyond the edge, Andrew Mayes opens up the scriptures in a way that I found fresh and exciting. His focus is on key moments in Jesus’ life and he argues that they are points of transition and transformation. He follows the journey of Jesus across the Jordan, into the desert, to the coastlands and the lake, border territory and mountain tops, leading onto Jerusalem and beyond. This is a book to reflect on and come back to, a resource for adventurous Christians and bold preachers. 

His use of the concept of liminality is particularly helpful – exploring those risky points of separation from the familiar leading onto transformation and then re-integration. Added to this is Andrew’s personal knowledge of the Holy Land and his insights into the background of the Bible story. His wide reading of modern and classic spiritual writers and use of quotations often stimulates, though occasionally distracts from the biblical narrative and the heart of the matter.

This is a powerful book and a great resource for individuals, groups, spiritual directors and preachers. It encourages us to follow Jesus more boldly – to be led ‘over the edge’ into the arms of Christ.

Colin Selby

Formerly a lay member of the Research Ethics Committee at a Chelmsford Hospital

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You are reading Issue 63 of Ministry Today, published in April 2015.

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