Author: | Mark I Wallace |
Published By: | Fortress Press (Mineapolis) |
Pages: | 181 |
Price: | £16.99 |
ISBN: | 978 0 8006 6461 9 |
A justifiable criticism of evangelical theology and action until recently has been over a seeming lack of concern about the environment and the state of the planet. This is steadily being redressed. This book will only serve to confirm former prejudices about the direction of thought that others have taken. The author, writing entirely from a North American perspective, advocates what he himself calls a form of ‘Christian animism’, effectively panentheism. He arrives there from a dubious understanding of incarnation and a complete lack of any doctrine of atonement. I can’t see readers of ‘Ministry Today’ wanting to read this.
You are reading Issue 62 of Ministry Today, published in November 2014.
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