Author: | Marcus Borg |
Published By: | SPCK (London) |
Pages: | 241 |
Price: | £12.99 |
ISBN: | 978 0 281 07311 5 |
Confession time: the only thing I knew about Marcus Borg before being given this book to review was from his debates with Tom Wright. Broadly, I agreed to Tom Wright and disagreed with Marcus Borg. How ignorant was I!
Had I read this book before reading the Borg/Wright debates, I would have come to them with a different attitude. The Marcus Borg who comes through this semi-autobiography, semi-manifesto is warm, thoughtful and full of profound convictions. To my surprise, I found myself agreeing with his convictions most of the time.
One quotation will provide a taste of this fine scholar’s thinking processes. For Borg, the Christian faith is about “liberation, reconnection, seeing anew, acceptance and the satisfaction of our deepest yearnings. Christianity at its best … is a path of transformation.” Anyone want to disagree?
His anxiety is that Christianity gets itself bogged down in believing the right things instead of following Jesus – an anxiety shared, I imagine, by most readers of Ministry Today.
This is an excellent book, worth reading whether you agree with the author or not. If you have an open mind, you’ll find Borg stretches it.
You are reading Issue 62 of Ministry Today, published in November 2014.
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