Author: | Roger L Walton |
Published By: | SCM (London) |
Pages: | 162 |
Price: | £19.99 |
ISBN: | 978 0 334 05182 4 |
Roger Walton is Chair of the West Yorkshire Methodist Circuit and is writing about his experience of the growing number of small groups in Methodism and wanting to move them beyond fellowship and point them in the direction of tackling the theological, sociological and ecclesiological issues which face the 21st century church.
His basic thesis is that disciples are formed not by Christian education, but by engaging in mission, worship and community, out of which then flows Christian education and training. Hallelujah, I say! Some of us have been trying to say this for the last 40 years and it’s always encouraging to find a book arguing from the same direction.
Buy it, devour it and apply it – please!
You are reading Issue 62 of Ministry Today, published in November 2014.
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