Author: | Lawrence S Cunningham |
Published By: | Ave Maria Press/ Alban Books (Edinburgh) |
Pages: | 114 |
Price: | £8.99 |
ISBN: | 978 1 59471 340 8 |
This short work traces the concept of the seven ‘Deadly Sins’ as they evolved in the history of the early and medieval church. It provides a short reflection on each, drawing together biblical material and largely Catholic commentaries and writings about them (with some interesting reference to literature through the ages). An extended epilogue suggests ‘Seven Best Practices’ by which the Christian may seek to live in ‘purity of heart’. The theological reflection never gets very far or very deep. The practical suggestions are familiar, although I did like the challenge of ‘electronic fasting’ (p.95)! I can’t see readers of ‘Ministry Today’ rushing to buy this book unless planning a sermon series on the seven sins!
You are reading Issue 62 of Ministry Today, published in November 2014.
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