Author: | Barbara Mosse |
Published By: | Bible Reading Fellowship (Oxford) |
Pages: | 158 |
Price: | £7.99 |
ISBN: | 978 0 85746 180 3 |
Barbara Mosse provides a traditional set of Lenten reflections, with daily Bible passage, thoughtful reflection, prayer and question for further thinking. It is well written and accessible. The questions are grouped at the back of the book for use in group discussion.
The book begins with passages affirming the unconditional love of God, before moving onto ‘the desert experience’ (Week 1), ‘the life of prayer’ (2), ‘spaces of welcome’ (3), the darker feelings that can emerge in us as we recognise our own weakness and spiritual poverty (4), the world around us and the ‘need to take up our cross’ (5), the passion of Christ (6) and finally an Easter day reflection on fear and joy.
In her introduction she notes the impact of the BBC series The Monastery and the near universal desire for (yet fear of) space and time apart, amid society’s inner and outer noise: “a way of life that radically challenges our excessive consumerism and general over-activity...a healing, renewing, revitalising space in which the body can be rested and the spirit fed.” Used unhurriedly, this book could provide such a space for its readers.
You are reading Issue 61 of Ministry Today, published in August 2014.
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