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Hope Was Heard Singing: Resources for Advent

Author: Sally Foster-Fulton
Published By: Wild goose Publications (Glasgow)
Pages: 134
Price: £6.69 (Kindle edition)
ISBN: 978 1 8495 227 86

Reviewed by Terry Hinks.

Wild Goose, the publishing arm of the Iona Community, have been prolific in its production of worship and prayer resources in recent years. This slim book is one more addition to those resources, with reflections for Advent written by Sally Foster-Fulton and used mainly at her local congregation of Dunblane Cathedral. It is a book to dip into rather than to work through chronologically. I was a little disappointed that the themes draw as much on the Christmas story as on more traditional Advent themes. As a result, alongside sections on waiting, prophets and heralds and light, there are sections on Mary and Joseph, the wise men and the shepherds, the star and gifts etc. This shifted the book's focus from Advent itself to Christmas preparations. It would also have been helpful if the list of Bible readings given for each section had had some explanation and comment.

There are thought-provoking prayers and stimulating reflections and dialogues, some directed to all ages, but perhaps best adapted to one's own particular context. I warmed to the first section on waiting, but felt that, all in all, the volume missed the depth of those advent themes of Christ's coming in the past, present and future: 'Come, Lord Jesus.'

Terry Hinks

United Reformed Church Minister and Ministry Today Board Member

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You are reading Issue 60 of Ministry Today, published in April 2014.

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