As an institute RBIM is committed to 'promoting excellence in the practice of ministry'. Amongst other things, for me at least, this means that I need to strive constantly to be a creative liturgist. As a pastor I can never be satisfied with the ordinary. Week by week I seek ...
The subject under discussion was 'How can our brokenness and woundedness as people affect the development of our relationship with God - and indeed with the people of God?'. One side of the argument went, 'It cannot'. The very word 'brokenness' indicates that something is spoiled, no longer usable and ...
...Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save him that is sick... James 5:14. Yes indeed! But what then should we ...
I imagine that most church leaders and congregations would be inclined to answer the question with a resounding 'Yes'. In the past 25 years, house groups have become an indispensable part of British church life. Ministers who can remember back to the time when the mid-week meeting was a central ...
Introduction The unforgivable sin of the late twentieth century is prudery. The church is most guilty of this sin in the eyes of the media, the oracle of the person in the street. Yet, a recent survey completed in a large American city denies this. It suggests that married Protestants ...
This annotated bibliography follows the authors article, 'First Steps Beyond Modernity', in Ministry Today, Issue 5. 1. Starting Points One major problem facing anyone who is trying to get to grips with postmodernity is the question of where to begin. Many of the books on the subject are densely typed ...
You are reading Issue 6 of Ministry Today, published in February 1996.
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