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From Santa Maria with Love

Author: Margaret Hebblethwaite
Published By: DLT (London)
Pages: 190
Price: £12.99
ISBN: 978 0 232 52885 5

Reviewed by Chris Skilton.

Margaret Hebblethwaite emigrated to Peru in 2000 following the death of her husband, having worked on the Catholic weekly publication ‘The Tablet’. She went to live and work in the village of Santa Maria de Fe. For ten years, she wrote a column for ‘The Tablet’, chronicling the life, faith and events of the community recounting many stories of pain, struggle and a search for meaning and hope. A number of these have now been collected together in this book and they provide a compelling and fascinating insight into the life of this community and Margaret’s engagement with it.

I found myself drawn into the life, hopes and aspirations of this community. Hebblethwaite recognises that she is an ‘incomer’, but writes passionately about the village that has adopted her and welcomed her. She writes of ordinary life and ordinary people with a warmth and love that shines through each piece. For an insight into the common daily life of a neglected country, this book is a welcome introduction. I would echo the words of the editor of the Tablet who commissioned these pieces – “This collection speaks to us of the joy that can be found among the poor who are rich in spirit.”

The book is an inspiring read. If I had a concern it would be that it has been produced and marketed in a price range that would discourage some from buying it – but I hope not all.

Chris Skilton

Archdeacon of Lambeth and Board Member of Ministry Today

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You are reading Issue 59 of Ministry Today, published in November 2013.

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