Author: | Miranda Threlfall-Holmes |
Published By: | SPCK (London) |
Pages: | 147 |
Price: | £12.99 |
ISBN: | 978 0281 06642 1 |
This is a short and comprehensive history of twenty centuries of the church. It is a challenge for anyone to cover so much ground in 147 pages, but one which this historian and theologian does well. The space available only allows for the highlighting of the major events and people who have shaped Christianity. Reading the book is like looking down from a high building over a city. You can see so much but you are too far away to see the detail.
I checked Baptist (one page), William Carey (no mention), Anabaptists (one page). Perhaps this is being sensitive to my background as other notable events are skimmed over due to the nature of this book.
The book is very readable and designed for individual study, but pointers for reflection enables the book to be read together by small groups. It is a good introduction to the people, the places and controversies that have shaped the Christian Church.
You are reading Issue 58 of Ministry Today, published in August 2013.
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