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The Still Small Voice: a Book for Busy People

Author: Neil Paynter
Published By: Wild Goose Publications (Glasgow)
Pages: 176
Price: £11.50
ISBN: 978 1 849 52242 7

Reviewed by Luke Penkett.

“Life”, Neil writes, “just seems to be getting busier and busier. And even when we’re not doing, our minds are eternally busy – life seems so full of distractions, different messages: babble.”

“So: a book of short daily readings to help folk still themselves.”

The Still Small Voice is a book for all who feel themselves bombarded by words, words that create a barrier, a barrier that prevents us from hearing the Word. It’s written to help folk regain a Christ-like balance between reflection and action.

And it is cleverly written. Paynter offers a short reading for each day of the year, some of them very short – six words, twelve words, a few lines. And he’s linked some of the readings with specific days – both religious ones such as Candlemas, Saints Peter and Paul, Lammas Day and also secular ones (where the religious focus is less explicit) such as World Book Day, Earth Day, World Migratory Bird Day, Gay Pride Day. By including these latter, he connects his readers with several lesser known, but nevertheless significant dates, causing us to stop and reflect on such causes as International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (which follows World Food Day), International Day against Fascism and Anti-Semitism, Universal Children’s Day.

Occasionally he draws on the established spiritual writers, such as Augustine, Columba (although there are very few references to the Celtic saints) and Teresa of Avila, but by far the majority of writers – or pray-ers – are contemporary ones (many of whose books have been published by Wild Goose) – Ruth Burgess, Joy Mead, Chris Polhill.

The sources are thoroughly listed, some with intriguing titles – Coming In: Gays and Lesbians Reclaiming the Spiritual Journey, and Doing December Differently caught my eye – and there is a good number of writings from the Iona Community’s own worship books.

A useful and thought provoking collection.

Luke Penkett

Monk and Priest working with L'Arche Community

Ministry Today

You are reading Issue 57 of Ministry Today, published in April 2013.

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