Author: | Robert Cotton |
Published By: | SPCK (London) |
Pages: | 152 |
Price: | £12.99 |
ISBN: | 978 0 281 06719 0 |
I enjoyed this book It’s full of insights, stories, both biblical and others, all bringing together the author's experience and vision for the local church. I know the author slightly, and after 16 years as a town centre parish priest, he shares something of what he has learnt of the deep relationship between church and community both over the centuries and today. The three sections of the book are entitled Public faith, Being Responsible, and Courageous Exploration.
He suggests that we are all to some extent 'vicars', vicarious disciples who cannot help but influence those around us, living the faith publicly on behalf of others. He recommends an empty chair at any church meeting representing the neighbour who seemingly shows no interest in church life. He describes the ministry of two self supporting ministers minding the gap between work and worship. He shares what it was like when planning permission was refused for a long planned church extension – the hurt, the frustration and the long process of healing.
He uses the Old Testament to bring vivid insights for today's church. He notes what his family wrote on his birthday card – “Who will look after the world when I am gone?” He recognizes that for so many the church is seen as male, domineering and violent.
This is a stimulating book for ministers to reflect on, written by someone who seeks to draw together people from different traditions, Christian and beyond, church and community.
You are reading Issue 57 of Ministry Today, published in April 2013.
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