If we define Christendom (as the Collins English Dictionary does) as “the collective body of Christians throughout the world or throughout history”, then clearly, as long as there are Christians in the world, Christendom will survive. However, if we define Christendom (in my view, more accurately) as: that religious system ...
On a recent period of extended study leave, Anglican Vicar Andy Griffiths from Galleywood in Essex studied the German aristocrat, theologian and evangelist Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, so Ministry Today thought we’d interview him about Zinzendorf.
Let us begin by asking a prior question: did Jesus really care about work and faith? During the last week of his life on earth, Jesus was asked: “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” And he replies: “Give to God what is God’s and to Caesar ...
I did! At 10.30 on a balmy June evening in 2011, with an armful of wonderful gifts, a generous cheque in my back pocket, and my family beside me, I walked the short distance from the church to the Manse through a torch-lit ‘Guard of Honour’ of members past and ...
Approaching Retirement I am not yet approaching retirement, and I feel I have some years to go before that happy fate arrives, but I have given some thought to this as part of a project to place some material about retirement on the website of the Baptist Union of Great ...
A central part of the life of any church should be Christian teaching. “Go and make disciples,” Jesus commissioned his disciples, “baptising them and teaching them …” (Matthew 28.19) Disciples are, by the meaning of the word, supposed to be ‘learners.’ So the task of teaching is at the heart ...
The long tradition in which groups of Christians pay for the services of a leader in the form of a minister or priest is coming to an end. The future is ‘team led ministry’ in which ‘the priesthood of all believers’ is finally realised. For a very large number of ...
You are reading Issue 57 of Ministry Today, published in April 2013.
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