Author: | Jason and Rachel Gardner |
Published By: | IVP (Nottingham) |
Pages: | 185 |
Price: | £6.99 |
ISBN: | 978 1 844 74504 3 |
This book has an excellent purpose in view – to provide an introduction to following Jesus in today’s world for teenagers and young Christians. The authors have long and diverse experience in working with this age group and Jason currently leads “Fuse” – a think tank focussed on the challenge of connecting with emerging generations.
The book’s strength is its recognition that taking discipleship seriously is not easy for anyone in today’s world (most of all this generation) and it provides hope, encouragement and resources for the journey. It’s written in ten clear chapters with questions at the end of each which could be used individually or in a group setting.
I enjoyed reading it – and therein may lie the issue. It does refer to a certain range of popular culture for some of its analogies – ‘Deal or No Deal’, Harry Potter and X-Factor but it also quotes from amongst others Ted Hughes, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Bruce Cockburn and The Matrix. The book would be more suited to the university student and young professional than the teenagers of the South London Churches where I work. It could be a valuable resource for those who work with young people in a discipleship group.
The format of the book – 156mm square helps it to stand out and it is well presented. In some places it would make a good gift from the church to those being baptised or confirmed or going away to further or higher education.
You are reading Issue 55 of Ministry Today, published in July 2012.
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