Author: | Robin Greenwood and Sue Hart |
Published By: | SPCK (London) |
Pages: | 156 |
Price: | £8.99 |
ISBN: | 978 0 281 06361 1 |
Both authors bring a wealth of experience, in pastoral ministry and in writing and graphic design, to this very stimulating resource, and cheap at the price. Paul Goodliff, formerly of Ministry Today and head of Ministry for the Baptist Union, writes “structured around the shape of the Eucharist, this course provides for the modern Catholic wings of every church what Alpha and Emmaus have provided elsewhere for Evangelicals. While obviously written with an Anglican parish in mind, with some adaptation of language, it could serve a broader ecumenical constituency, especially wherever the Eucharist forms the guiding structure of faith and practice.”
While not as visually attractive as some resources, it grew on me more and more. Each chapter has the text by Greenwood with helpful quotations written alongside, and a second section by Hart planning each session with very clear suggestions for how to use the ninety minutes recommended. It is profound, full of practical advice as well as theological awareness – “tell everyone ten times in ten different ways”; “letting God become our Lord”; “the cross was hell for Jesus”; and I liked possible titles for the course – “A walk on the wild side” or “Journey to the centre of the Earth.”
The eleven chapters use the structure of the Eucharist: introduction – travelling together differently; gathering in God's presence, what are you waiting for?; given a new start, want a new life?; attending to Scripture, risks and promises; celebrating belief, nobody believes it all; calling on God, are you stretched in all directions?; sharing Christ's peace, gently does it; offering gifts and preparing a feast, drinking in-praying out; do this, do this now; asking the Spirit, holy smoke; being dismissed, onward and upward; reviewing the course.
There is a further reading list and appendices will be found on the website
The book puts a real resource into the hands of each participant as well as clear guidance for the leaders. Useful for newcomers, regular worshippers, and those looking to deepen their faith.
I would want to add a couple of visually attractive books: This is our faith (well past 120,000 sold) and again cheap at the price (ISBN 978 0 85231 149 3); and Faith Confirmed - preparing for Confirmation (0 281 05129 1). Both highly recommended.
You are reading Issue 54 of Ministry Today, published in February 2012.
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