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Reason & Reality: the relationship between science & theology

Author: John Polkinghorne
Published By: SPCK (London)
Pages: 119
Price: £9.99
ISBN: 978 0 281 06400 7

Reviewed by Colin Selby.

This is a welcome re-issue of this book which gives a helpful insight into the common aims of science, theology and biblical studies to search for meaning. This search includes efforts towards an ever increasing understanding of the structure of the universe, a fuller understanding of who God is, and the meaning of Scripture.

The author, the Rev Dr John Polkinghorne, KBE, FRS, is past President and now Fellow of Queen’s College, Cambridge. He was formerly Professor of Mathematical Physics at Cambridge University and is Canon Theologian at Liverpool Cathedral.

Written for the general reader this book needs concentration and some basic knowledge of particle physics. It is supported by a wide-ranging bibliography and a useful index. There is a useful chapter on the use of Scripture – often absent from books on this subject-and the writer makes it clear that the Bible is “the vehicle of a personal encounter, demanding a response”. This book could help as part of a ministerial training course and for anyone wanting to grow in their understanding of the work of a creator God.

Colin Selby

Formerly a lay member of the Research Ethics Committee at a Chelmsford Hospital

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You are reading Issue 53 of Ministry Today, published in November 2011.

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