Author: | Beth R Crisp |
Published By: | Darton, Longman and Todd (London/Melbourne) |
Pages: | 116 |
Price: | £10.99 |
ISBN: | 978 0 232 52843 5 |
Sexual abuse, once experienced, can leave scars – emotional, psychological and sociological – for life. Sometimes the significance of these scars is not understood until our maturity. Often, they remain unacknowledged, unaccepted. In this series of meditations and prayers for Lent we are accompanied by Melbourne-based writer and Associate Professor of Social Work at Deakin University, Beth R Crisp, who reflects on the reality of her own sexual abuse.
The book is a brave publication. The journey is a painful and terrible one, but the book offers some God-given encouragement and hope along the way. Sexual abuse is refused the final word. The writing is as challenging as sexual abuse is confronting, but ultimately, we may recognise the fact that our Lord was there, in the hell, alongside us who have suffered abuse, just as he is there, offering each one of us his healing love as we make our own particular journey carrying the cross and beyond.
Each day we are given a reading from a contemporary author, followed by a suggested biblical one, a passage written by Beth Crisp and a prayer.
You are reading Issue 53 of Ministry Today, published in November 2011.
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