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Confessions of a Lapsed Catholic

Author: Sheila Cassidy
Published By: Darton, Longman and Todd (London)
Pages: 180
Price: £14.99
ISBN: 978 0 232 52840 4

Reviewed by Ursula Franklin.

In this book arising out of years of keeping company with God, Sheila Cassidy is quite unafraid of allowing her mind to stretch into unfamiliar territory to test the ground and the basis of her faith. It is challenging for her and for the reader. Her ideas are sylvan, reaching out and tasting imaginative thoughts but they are always rooted in the tenets of her strong faith. 

Enduring hard times and torture in South America God has kept, healed and fed her mind. She writes with no bitterness in her heart. She delights in words; being in close touch with nature; and exhibiting a great love for God’s creation. She revels in the Psalms, Gregorian Chant, and the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkin. Isaiah’s magnificent prophecies and imagery delight her and for her illuminates God’s canopy of love. She believes with her whole heart that God is omnipresent. She insists that “Lastly, that we care for the God who  laid down his own life that we might have it more abundantly”. Sheila Cassidy‘s energy and faith fully illustrate this.

Ursula Franklin

Pastoral deacon: Central Baptist Church, Chelmsford

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You are reading Issue 51 of Ministry Today, published in March 2011.

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