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The journey home: spiritual guidance for every day

Author: Nick Aiken
Published By: SPCK (London)
Pages: 160
Price: £9.99
ISBN: 978 0 281 06230 0

Reviewed by Barbara Skilton.

This is a book of forty daily Bible readings, reflections and prayers, designed to be used individually or by a group. The book is attractively presented and clearly laid out. The readings can be used at any time of year and offer spiritual guidance, encouragement and hope to all those who are endeavoring to travel the Christian journey.

Each day starts with some verses from the Bible; sometimes from three or four different passages. They are all linked by the theme of the day, but it does mean that verses are often being used out of context. While this may not worry some readers, others may find this distracting, preferring that one longer passage had been chosen.

The reflections are personal and are thoughtfully and honestly written. They encourage the reader to think about all areas of life, good and bad, but always point towards the hope, inspiration and powerful message of love, that comes from the Bible.

Each day a ‘spiritual activity’ is suggested, relating to the theme of the readings and reflections. These sometimes suggest something practical to do and, at other times, involve writing down thoughts, reflecting on the past, dealing with a current life issue or exploring relationships. The section for each day ends with a short, well written prayer in everyday language.

At the back of the book there is some material for group discussion and activities. These assume that each group member has read the relevant section of the book beforehand. The questions and activities require a level of trust and a willingness to share personal matters, but would be stimulating and challenging within a group situation.

This would be an excellent book for someone who wants to try the discipline of daily Bible reading, with down to earth practical reflections and prayers and many positive encouragements to guide the way.

Barbara Skilton

Music co-ordinator at Emmanuel Church, Streatham

Ministry Today

You are reading Issue 51 of Ministry Today, published in March 2011.

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