Author: | Timothy Keller |
Published By: | Hodder and Stoughton (London) |
Pages: | 231 |
Price: | £12.99 |
ISBN: | 978 05259 5190 2 |
Timothy Keller is the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan and has been described as a ‘C S Lewis for the 21st century’. He takes great pains to remind us that 'doing justice' is a must for the follower of Christ. He illustrates his point by referring to the society of Israel and goes on to show how throughout scripture the centrality of justice is essential to Jesus' message and to our practice of the Christian faith in our world. As we practise kindness and justice to the poor and the vulnerable, we are doing it to God Himself and that removes us from the centre of the frame. Our actions are but a reflection of God's all-embracing love in us. Timothy Keller encourages us to “spread our selves on the broken, the hurting and the needy”. The book, although rather a dry read, is a timely reminder to us in a selfish materialistic world, to practise what we preach!
You are reading Issue 51 of Ministry Today, published in March 2011.
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