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Cuttlefish, Clones & Cluster Bombs - Preaching Politics & Ecology

Author: Michael S Northcott
Published By: Darton, Longman and Todd (London)
Pages: 234
Price: £14.99
ISBN: 978 0 232 52798 8

Reviewed by Colin Selby.

The eye catching, mind grabbing title of this book introduces us to a collection of sermons preached during the first decade of the 21st century. Michael Northcott is Professor of Ethics at the University of Edinburgh and an ordained Anglican priest.

The useful introduction to this volume reminds us of Karl Barth’s statement “that biblical preaching should declare the truth of God to a world where truth is a rare commodity”; it should aim to make connections between the Word of God and the contemporary world.

These sermons deal with current issues, but such is the pace of change that some of the content is already history; they are, none the less, very good examples to follow. Subjects covered include the Iraq war, foot and mouth disease, profit motives in a throw-away society, population pressures and conservation. Many of these clearly-thought-out sermons relate the understanding of Scripture by the early church together with post reformational and current evangelical thinking.

This book will be of interest to a wide readership including students, pastors and church members. It is clearly written and will repay careful study.

Colin Selby

Formerly a lay member of the Research Ethics Committee at a Chelmsford Hospital

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You are reading Issue 51 of Ministry Today, published in March 2011.

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