Leadership at a time of uncertainty As I write, I find myself in a dilemma: should I be encouraging my people to get involved in another building project? Ten years ago I led my church through a massive redevelopment of our premises, which cost us just under £2 million. At ...
Having worked most of the last 27 years with BMS World Mission, both as missionary and in a variety of leadership roles, I know how much of our organisational life and the lives of those who come to serve with us revolve around the search for guidance concerning God’s will. ...
It is three years since my last Sunday as Pastor of the church I had loved and poured myself into for nearly 18 years; and two and a half years since I took up a new pastorate. Only now do I feel ready to reflect on the process. I knew ...
Mention the terms ‘Group’ or ‘Team Ministry’ in a church context and there will be someone who will say you are simply reinventing the Methodist Circuit by another name, and someone else who will want to enter into a debate about what exactly we mean by the terms ‘Group’ and ...
This is an unusual article for Ministry Today! Nevertheless, we felt it would be of interest to readers and invite your feedback on the author's defence of this new movement. Thoughtful and courteous responses will be included in the next edition of Ministry todayIn the early 1900s, modernistic theological ideas ...
Once a term I meet on a Sunday afternoon with the thirty or so people in our church responsible for pastoral care. We always focus on a relevant topic - sometimes I invite an outside speaker, but mostly I tend to lead the session myself. Last Sunday I took ‘ageing’ ...
You are reading Issue 51 of Ministry Today, published in March 2011.
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