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By Alun Brookfield.

In almost every previous edition of Ministry Today, the Editorial has been written by our founder and Chairman, the Revd Dr Paul Beasley-Murray. On this occasion, the 50th edition of Ministry Today, which happily coincides with Paul’s 40th anniversary of ordination, it is my privilege to pay tribute to him.

I already knew Paul slightly when I heard about the launch of a new journal, written for and by working Christian leaders, with the specific aim of supporting those in pastoral ministry and enabling us to carry out our ministry with maximum effectiveness. At the time, I was working for Bible Society and it was my great pleasure to set up an arrangement which gave Bible Society and Ministry Today access to one another’s mailing lists. As I result, I became part of the Board of Ministry Today, and later took over the task of editing the journal. So began an association with Paul Beasley-Murray which continues to this day.

All who know Paul well will be aware that he’s not perfect, but then, none of us are. We don’t do ministry from a position of perfection and strength, but from fallibility and weakness. Paul knows that better than most, so ‘what you see is what you get’. With Paul there are no hidden agendas, and what you get is an extraordinary, gifted, caring, energetic, humorous, prayerful, generous, gracious, open-hearted friend. In difficult times in my own ministry, Paul has been a tower of strength, prayer and wisdom, not least because he carries the scars of many such difficult times in his own ministry. Indeed, after a bruising first encounter with pastoral ministry, it was Paul’s example which made me realise that I might still have a role as a church leader.

His vision and energy in setting up Ministry Today was remarkable. We may still (and perhaps always) be a small community, but there are many who have cause to be thankful for Ministry Today and Paul’s drive which made it possible. The Board of Ministry Today will, I’m confident, stand with me in saying a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to God for the gift and ministry of Paul Beasley-Murray.

Alun J Brookfield

Alun Brookfield

Editor of Ministry Today

Ministry Today

You are reading Editorial by Alun Brookfield, part of Issue 50 of Ministry Today, published in November 2010.

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