In almost every previous edition of Ministry Today, the Editorial has been written by our founder and Chairman, the Revd Dr Paul Beasley-Murray. On this occasion, the 50th edition of Ministry Today, which happily coincides with Paul’s 40th anniversary of ordination, it is my privilege to pay tribute to him. ...
This edition of Ministry Today celebrates the 40th anniversary of the ordination of its long-standing founder editor, Paul Beasley-Murray. Many ministers celebrate this significant milestone, but few while still leading a large church and continuing to practise ministry full-time, while anticipating doing so for a while longer. But then, Paul ...
INTRODUCTION The Department of Health, in a paper outlining the role of hospital chaplains, describes their role as “meeting the religious and spiritual needs of patients and staff” (DH 2003). Chaplains are employed by the secular authorities in order to respond to the spiritual and religious needs of a range ...
(This article began life as a sermon for Remembrance Sunday 2010. Further reflection led the author to realise that, with a little extra work, it might be of interest to Ministry Today readers) It would be easy to believe that we live in extraordinarily violent times. We don’t, of course, ...
What are some of the risks you are currently facing in your ministry? I am sure if you spent a moment or two to think about this, you could come up with a not insignificant list. But maybe that is not the most helpful place to start. People who know ...
(From time to time couples getting married specify the passage of Scripture they would like me to preach on at their wedding. I am normally happy to oblige, because this enables the service to become more personal. However, I was not so happy about the last request I received, because ...
You are reading Issue 50 of Ministry Today, published in November 2010.
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