For a number of years churches have been encouraged to draw up their own mission statements. In my own church a year or so ago we adopted, on the basis of Matthew 28:19 and John 20:21, the simple slogan 'To go Christ's way and to make disciples'. This mission statement ...
I was chatting to a Christian with whom I was working on a mission. We were comparing notes about our Christian stories, and where God might be leading us next. He was about to go and learn more about church-planting. Then he added, why didn't I go and do something ...
The scenario is uncomfortably familiar. The doorbell that doesn't stop ringing, the incessant sound of the telephone, the mounting piles of paper on the study floor, the rushed devotions ('If Billy Graham can manage on five minutes prayer, so can I'), the awareness of the unmet needs of hurting people, ...
Why is it that a team of committed church leaders with individual IQs above 120 has a collective IQ of 63? A frequent mistake of organisations is to assume that the team will naturally perform up to its capacity and achieve its goals. Common experience shows again and again that ...
Postmodernities: an introductory reading list appears in Ministry Today 6 The End of an Era? In the heady days around the time of the collapse of the Berlin Wall, a former official in the US State Department, Francis Fukuyama, boldly proclaimed 'The End of History and the Last Man'. His ...
You are reading Issue 5 of Ministry Today, published in October 1995.
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