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God's Green Book: Seven Bible Studies about the Environment

Author: Charlotte Sleigh and Bryony Webb
Published By: SPCK (London)
Pages: 112
Price: £8.99
ISBN: 978 0 281 06206 5

Reviewed by Barry Goodwin.

Reviewing this series of Bible studies took me much longer than expected. This was not because the book is complicated to read or use, but because it is one of those resources that can take the reader and group member into so many different and creative directions that it was difficult to put down. There were times when I forgot what I was supposed to be doing and it became very much part of my own personal Lent study.

The book is made up of seven studies entitled “God’s character revealed in creation”, “Give us this day our daily bread”, “What I do with my portion affects you”, “God’s ecology”, “The land mourns”, “The land rejoices” and “Life in abundance”. Together they address the imperative for Christians to care for God’s world. Each study looks at key Bible texts, pointers for prayer, practical activity, creative reflection, “facts and figures” and a final section looking at “knotty questions”. It is this wealth of material that means that it can be adapted for lots of different settings with something for just about everybody.

Lent may be over, but the “Time for God’s creation” season will be with us in September. My recommendation is buy a copy, gather a group and, as it says on the back cover, be “inspired to lead a greener and more fulfilling life that respects and honours God’s awesome creation”.

Barry Goodwin

Social Responsibility (Parish Development) Adviser, Diocese of Southwark

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You are reading Issue 49 of Ministry Today, published in July 2010.

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