On 10 October 2010 I shall have been a Baptist minister for 40 years. Forty years in ministry these days is a long time, for, unlike many ministers today, I have had no other ‘career’ - my life has been ministry. And unlike many of my peers of yesterday, I ...
The following article on 'Individual Behaviour' is an extract from Franciscans and Money by John McLean Fox, a Third Order Franciscan with a wide experience of contemporary business life. This extract will be of value to ministers as a resource to draw on when addressing the topic of money and ...
The purpose of this article is to explore some of the implications associated with making choices when Christians consider transferring church membership. There is: (i) a brief discussion of the exercise of choice in the everyday with a comment contrasting and comparing how this might inform choosing a church; (ii) ...
Within a fortnight three key members of my church died. In the hope that readers of Ministry Today might find them helpful, I offer the following three outlines of the three addresses I prepared. Death is Nothing at All “I’ve packed my bags and am ready to go” said Pope ...
(This article first appeared in the parish magazine of WEaunarlwyddParishChurch, Swansea. It is reprinted here, slightly adapted, by the kind permission of the author.) Arriving on a Saturday morning a couple of Februarys ago in what seemed like the middle of nowhere (and right smack in the middle of the ...
[This article is an exploration of the current debate about creationism and Darwinian evolutionary theory. It takes the form of two book reviews in one: Should Christians Embrace Evolution? by Norman C Nevin (Editor) IVP 2009; 220pp; £9.99; ISBN 978 1 84474 406 0 Theology After Darwinby Michael Northcott and ...
You are reading Issue 48 of Ministry Today, published in March 2010.
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