“As a monk and priest in one of the l’Arche houses, focus on what you receive rather than trying to control.” These are words of loving advice given to me by Fr David Standley, a Roman Catholic priest with many years of experience of l’Arche, and my accompagnateur, at our ...
The time comes for all of us when we have to stand down from our post. What then happens to the church? Do we just ‘leave them to it’, or do we actively engage in planning the process of transition? The traditional position is the former. When I left my ...
This article draws deeply upon the text of the book ‘Culture Craft’ by Rick Sessoms and Colin Buckland and therefore I acknowledge here the joint thinking and writing with Rick, whose words are embedded here alongside my own. A leader of an evangelical agency in the United States asked me, ...
Traditionally, in a Baptist context, the Lord’s Table is for the Lord’s people. The Table is ‘open’ to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ and are seeking to follow him, but the assumption is that those who come to the Table are in a committed ‘covenant relationship’ with his ...
As I go round the country learning what is happening in evangelism, mission and church planting, I sometimes wonder whether we are fooling ourselves. There is much activity, but what is truly happening out there? Are we simply creating more places where bored or exhausted or cynical Christians can be ...
Funerals are strange events, and becoming stranger, as the general population increasingly lose their connection with the Christian faith. As a vague Christian recollection becomes increasing mingled with personal philosophies and pre-Christian superstition and mysticism, the demands on a Christian leader become ever more complex as we seek to steer ...
The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, first published in 1964, is in the process of being totally rewritten, with 7,100 fresh, original articles in the five volumes. The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon, Nashville. Available in the UK through Alban Books of Edinburgh) is edited by Katharine Sakenfeld ...
You are reading Issue 47 of Ministry Today, published in November 2009.
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