I’ve been in full-time Christian ministry now for 26 years - a mere beginner compared to some. Along the way, I’ve taken my share of brickbats and bouquets - a few of the brickbats were thoroughly deserved and many of the bouquets belonged to others probably more than they did ...
It is the best-selling book of all time, with billions sold worldwide, yet it is increasingly becoming the least-read book on our shelves. Within evangelicalism today, there is a such a crisis in confidence in the Bible that it is in danger of being sidelined from being the central foundation ...
I often give lectures, and one of my themes is that of flows. My aim is to encourage people to look at their ‘place’ 24/7 and 365 days of the year, because when we do this we see things that easily pass us by. For example, when I worked for ...
I wish to acknowledge friends belonging to the Ministry Today Network, who made a number of helpful comments on the initial draft of this article. A day of grief Recently I went to the funeral of a great friend who died far too young, with still so much to offer. ...
In recent years it has become common for Christian leaders of all sorts to go on retreats, to take time out from the busy-ness of day to day ministry to think, reflect and pray. Many have taken advantage of the explosion in the numbers of retreat houses available throughout the ...
What follows is both quirky and profound, very unlike the articles we usually offer. With great skill and a minimum of words, Colin and Judith capture an image - both beautiful and challenging - of what it means to embed oneself in ministry to a local community, in all its ...
How come I’ve never heard a sermon, nor, to the best of my knowledge, have I ever preached a sermon, ever, in any church, of any denomination, in any country, on the theme of sleep? Weird, isn’t it? After all, we spend one third of our lives sleeping, so you’d ...
The SPCK Book of Christian Prayer (SPCK London: first published in hardback in 1995, this paperback edition 2009; 490pp; ?14.99; ISBN 978 0 281 06151 8) brings together over 1,200 prayers, both classic and contemporary. It is a truly delightful compilation and is a great resource for all who lead ...
You are reading Issue 46 of Ministry Today, published in July 2009.
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