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The Holy Island of Lindisfarne

Author: David Adam
Published By: SPCK (London)
Pages: 128
Price: £7.99
ISBN: 978 0 281 05898 3

Reviewed by Mary Brookfield.

Many books have been written about the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, but who better qualified to write a book than David Adam, vicar of Holy Island for thirteen years and author of many books on prayer inspired by living there?

This delightful little book moves effortlessly between Holy Island’s fascinating past and the author’s anecdotes of the present.  I learned a lot about the lives of Aidan, Cuthbert and other notable figures from the Island’s history, and enjoyed the way in which David Adam weaves the stories of the Celtic saints into his own experiences as vicar there.

This book would whet the appetite for anyone hoping to make a pilgrimage to Lindisfarne, and enhances the experiences of people, like myself, who have already had the privilege of visiting Holy Island and whose memories of that trip are very special.

Ministry Today

You are reading Issue 45 of Ministry Today, published in January 2009.

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