My church is doing a great work amongst ‘seniors’. Among other things we run, on a monthly basis, two luncheon clubs, a session on Christian basics followed by a lunch entitled ‘Food for Thought’, and a Sunday afternoon ‘seeker’ service. At a guess I would think that we must be ...
We do not frequently publish articles anonymously, but sometimes we feel that, for pastoral reasons, it is wise to do so. This is just such a case. Names and other details have been changed for obvious reasons. Ed. I have just lost a staff member, who for the sake of ...
Men believe themselves to be self-sufficient, all-capable and in no need of a crutch, so why be a Christian? That’s for wimps and women, isn’t it? And nothing at all happens in church that is of any relevance to men, does it? And let’s face it; frankly a church meeting ...
I’m writing this on the fifth anniversary of my arrival in exile. It’s also some thirty years since my call to ministry. That was a hot July evening. I had hitchhiked from Manchester (where I had just graduated in history and was waiting to begin a Masters) to Nottingham. There, ...
Editor’s note: in this article, Paul Beasley-Murray has sought to apply to a group of Christians in retirement from work insights gained from Four Seasons of Ministry: Gathering a Harvest of Righteousness (Alban Institute, Herndon, Virginia 2008; 193pp; $18; ISBN 978 1 56699 366 1) by Bruce and Katherine Epperley. ...
Introduction When I left pastoral ministry in 1988, I began applying for a number of jobs. As I scanned the adverts, I noticed that many of them were looking for company directors in their 20’s. At 37, I was well over the hill and on my way down the other ...
... and others involved in making ministry appointments To whom it may concern Once upon a time, there was a perfect world called Christendom, where there was a minister in every church, plenty of money to pay them, churches full of happy people, and there was no eventuality which could ...
Christmas: The Original Story (SPCK, London 2008; 191pp; ?9.99; ISBN 978 0 281 06050 4), by biblical scholar Margaret Barker, sets the Christmas story in its original cultural and literary context. Sadly, although a Methodist preacher herself, the author does not offer ideas for the hard-pressed preacher at Christmas. Feasting ...
You are reading Issue 45 of Ministry Today, published in January 2009.
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