Author: | Tess Ward |
Published By: | O Books (Winchester, UK) |
Pages: | 285 |
Price: | £11.99 |
ISBN: | 978 1 905047 95 6 |
This is a fascinating volume, full of thought-provoking material for use in worship throughout the year.
The introduction explains the shape of the Celtic year and gives a sketchy and somewhat romantic history of Celtic life and spirituality. I’m not sure that George McLeod, when he established the Iona Community, thought he was doing anything Celtic!
The rest of the book is organised in 12 chapters, each beginning with an introduction to the likely spiritual events of that month, especially the anniversaries of Celtic saints. This is followed with seven days worth of prayers and meditations, each day including prayers suitable at various points throughout the day. The traditionalist in me was a little disappointed to find that Sunday is the seventh day of each ‘week’, not the first.
As I commented above, the material is thought-provoking, and perhaps best suited to private devotions than to public. A small health warning in hinted at in the sub-title - not all these prayers and meditations are specifically Christian. Many could be used in prayer to other gods and readers will need to exercise wisdom and discernment in their use.
Nevertheless, do not let that deter anyone from investing in a book which will enrich your prayer-life and, if you regularly have to devise liturgy for public use, will set your computer keyboard on fire with creativity!You are reading Issue 44 of Ministry Today, published in September 2008.
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