Hopes dashed on ‘Back to Church Sunday’ In common with many other churches, we decided to support this year’s ‘Back to Church’ Sunday. We ordered the T-shirts and the flyers, and from as early as May began to prepare the church for this nation-wide initiative. In the three Sundays running ...
I recently read Size Transitions in Congregations (The Alban Institute, Virginia 2001), edited by Beth Ann Gaede. Many of the fifteen essays are based on the pioneering work of Arlin Rothauge, a professor of congregational studies at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, who, a number of years ago, wrote a booklet, Sizing ...
I write this having just dropped my children off at their respective schools on the first day of term. The house seems eerily quiet after the cacophony of the summer holidays. It’s a near-forgotten luxury to nurse a cup of coffee and a train of thought without being interrupted by ...
A year ago Paul Beasley-Murray included the following sentences in a short article in Ministry Today: “I was reminded of a visit I had paid a month or so ago to the graveyard attached to St Brelade's Church, Jersey. It had been a beautiful sunny day, and, as I wandered ...
Maybe it was the heat - sunstroke has twisted many a person’s perception of reality. Or maybe it was the hunger and thirst - we all know that light headed feeling which detaches us from our better judgement. Or maybe it was the tiredness - six weeks without a proper ...
Hedgehog is puzzled. This is not an uncommon experience. There is much about the Church in the early 21st century which is intensely puzzling. The reason for my temporary puzzlement is the recent articles and correspondence in this august journal (or on this equally august website, depending on which version ...
The Spiritual Dimension of Childhood (Jessica Kingsley, London 2008; 160pp; £16.99; ISBN 978 1 84310 602 9), by Kate Adams, Brendan Hyde, and Richard Woolley, argues that “spirituality is an innate and natural predisposition of humankind. All people are spiritual - and children are of course no exception” (p.144). This ...
You are reading Issue 44 of Ministry Today, published in September 2008.
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