Author: | Chris Green (Editor) |
Published By: | Apollos (Nottingham) |
Pages: | 208 |
Price: | £12.99 |
ISBN: | 978 1 84474 277 |
This is another of IVP’s books dealing with the relationship between Christians and the world. Published in May, this is a collection of four papers and a sermon from the Eleventh Oak Hill Annual School of Theology.
It is an interesting mixture. Daniel Strange, Lecturer in Culture, Religion and Public Theology at the college, summarizes the state of the question, taking into account historical and contemporary points of view, and suggests “two kingdoms” or “transformationist” models for consideration.
Kirsten Birkett, Lecturer in Pastoral Counselling and Youth and Children’s Ministry, examines the writing of Oliver O’Donovan, Professor of Christian Ethics and Practical Theology at EdinburghUniversity’s DivinitySchool, with special reference to a new living in the old creation.
David Field, Lecturer in Christian Doctrine, and Ethics, researches the seventeenth-century Scottish theologian Samuel Rutherford whose Lex Rex formed the theological basis of the American Constitution, and offers a sermon on the lordship of Jesus.
Garry Williams, Lecturer in Church History, and Doctrine, argues the various understandings of punishment in the light of the cross.
The collection is well introduced and edited by Chris Green, the college’s Vice Principal and Lecturer in Ministry Strategy and Perspectives, Leadership, and Homiletics, and there is a good bibliography.You are reading Issue 43 of Ministry Today, published in August 2008.
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