Author: | Pattison, Cooling, Cooling |
Published By: | Darton Longman and Todd (London) |
Pages: | 160 |
Price: | £14.95 |
ISBN: | 0 232 52681 8 |
This is the third and final part of the Using the Bible in Christian Ministry trilogy. The workbook builds on the earlier volumes and is designed to “enable practitioners to review, evaluate, and if they wish, to change their use of the Bible in their everyday life and work”.
Designed to be used by groups or individuals, there are sections on the Bible, authority, applying the Bible to contemporary context and how to use the Bible in contexts such as small groups, public worship, the unchurched and school.
The book is designed to enable readers to reflect critically on their own practice and, if used wisely, will be very useful for personal growth and practice.You are reading Issue 42 of Ministry Today, published in March 2008.
Ministry Today aims to provide a supportive resource for all in Christian leadership so that they may survive, grow, develop and become more effective in the ministry to which Christ has called them.
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