Author: | Maggie Durran |
Published By: | Canterbury Press (Norwich) |
Pages: | 203 |
Price: | 14.95 |
ISBN: | 1 85311 695 5 |
Revd Maggie Durran is a well known contributor to the Church Times and works part time in the Diocese of London as historic churches project officer and is also a freelance development and fundraising consultant. She is well qualified to advise on major building projects and has much experience to share in this area. The heart of the book is a step by step programme for major change in a church, a renewal of church buildings and their use in order to re-engage with the local community. Cycle One focuses on exploring the possibilities for change, Cycle Two on 'design and plan' and Cycle Three 'Activating the Plan'. For those considering major schemes this systematic approach could be helpful, though it seemed to me at times rather soulless. Is there any room for prayer or the God of surprises?
The book is written very much from an Anglican perspective (even though Maggie has worked with congregations of other traditions) and so I feel it would be of limited value to those working in other church contexts. It is also rather parochial in the sense that there is no mention made of ecumenism or even the possibility of working with other parishes as a way forward for 'failing' churches. It is also essentially a practical handbook and so I found the theological underpinning rather weak. For example, in the introduction, Mission is defined as "about getting new people to come to church and engage with God" and Ministry is "service to others, and is primarily about working for and with people in the neighbourhood or parish". I have a feeling that mission and ministry are bigger than that. So all in all I found it a frustrating read.You are reading Issue 40 of Ministry Today, published in July 2007.
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