As a result of damaging my wrist by falling off the top of a ladder and not having power-assisted steering, I have been walking most days to my church this past week. It has been an interesting experience, for on my way I pass Chelmsford railway station, apparently the busiest ...
Can we play 'Fly me to the moon' at my husband's funeral please Pastor? No doubt for pastoral practitioners currently engaged in local church or sector ministries, this request from a recently widowed lady during a pre-funeral visit seems only mildly bizarre compared to many suggested musical or literary elements ...
At a retreat house in Suffolk, we as a group of four students in training for ministry in the United Reformed Church happened to meet up with an Anglican ordinand whom we knew through the Cambridge Theological Federation. All of us were in our final year of training, and the ...
Just the other day I received an e-mail from a young man: "I was wondering if you would be kind enough to send me some (short) Bible verses which we could put on Mum's headstone? We are quite keen to have something short as Mum would have liked it. However, ...
What sustains ministers in their faith and work? I was ordained in 1986 at the age of 26, meaning that, having completed twenty years in stipendiary ministry in the United Reformed Church, I am, other things being equal, about half way through my full time ministry. So I decided, as ...
For a number of years we have been running a small café at the front of our church premises, four days a week, selling soups and sandwiches, pizzas and jacket potatoes, and a range of desserts, together with a variety of drinks. Staffed by volunteers, it's well patronised by students ...
Two stories and some questions For the last 18 years I have lived and worked as pastor of a south LondonBaptistChurch. Currently, among a congregation of 200 or so, we have about thirty different nationalities and many more different cultures. At times it's been tough: constantly negotiating difference and seeking ...
Ministry Today is keen to encourage ministers to reflect on their experience of pastoral life, and hence the inclusion of this article. Further articles on aspects of pastoral life are always welcome! Rick Warren, a Southern Baptist and founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Orange County, California, first became a ...
Back in the 1990s, it was Willow Creek. We all got excited about Seeker Services. They seemed to offer an opportunity for congregations who had access to the relevant skills to put on a form of church which would bring people in. I'm not sure how many followed through on ...
Growing Together in Unity and Mission: Building on forty years of Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue (SPCK, London 2007; 64pp; £7.99; ISBN 978 0 281 05393) forms "An agreed statement of the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission", and deals with such issues as belief in God as Trinity; the ...
You are reading Issue 40 of Ministry Today, published in July 2007.
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