We were very grateful to those many readers who kindly took the time to complete a questionnaire with a view to making Ministry Today and RBIM activities as relevant as possible to the needs of those involved in Christian ministry. We were delighted with the good response - and even ...
For the last decade, one woman has dominated the entertainment media across the world. What is the philosophy behind Madonna's constantly changing image and her outrageous antics? You have probably seen his bright green face grinning at you from a poster. This is Stanley Ipkiss, hero of the late summer ...
I The survival of Christianity has always been threatened more by cultural seduction than by societal persecution. The perversion of Christianity through accommodation to the cultural milieu has always had more potential for annihilating true faith than have the combined challenges of intellectual scepticism and the spectre of being thrown ...
One of the deepest challenges I have found in ministry is to respond constructively and creatively to suffering in the lives of those I meet both within and without the church. For I have found that suffering far from being occasional is a frequent human experience. I am sure you ...
Worship is a powerful, emotive and problematic subject. The following critical comments are often heard: 'There is a lack of involvement.' 'We are listeners rather than participants.' 'There is a boring sameness about our services.' 'Much of our worship is not relevant to our needs.' 'Worship is too subjective and ...
You are reading Issue 4 of Ministry Today, published in June 1995.
Ministry Today aims to provide a supportive resource for all in Christian leadership so that they may survive, grow, develop and become more effective in the ministry to which Christ has called them.
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