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Introducing Mental Health: A Practical Guide

Author: Caroline Kinsella and Connor Kinsella
Published By: Jessica Kingsley Publishers (London)
Pages: 158
Price: £19.99
ISBN: 1 84310 260 9

Reviewed by Chris Skilton.

There is a reminder in the Foreword to this book that at least one in four people will suffer from a mental disorder at some point in their lives. It may well be the case that welcoming, inclusive and affirming churches will attract and hold more than this number in their congregations.

The authors of this book have considerable experience of working in mental health in this country. They have written an excellent introduction to the subject covering different types of mental illness, their treatment and an examination of the varieties of therapy and support that are available. There is a particularly helpful chapter on the subject of self-harm, and a useful summary of the 1983 Mental Health Act. It is clearly envisaged that the book might be used by trainers as there is photocopiable material as well as a comprehensive bibliography, including a range of relevant websites.

Ministers would find this a useful introduction to the subject, but should beware that a little knowledge in an area such this is a dangerous thing. It will be best used to help in understanding those in their churches who suffer from mental illness and those who care for and support them. Ministers might also see it as a guide to where pastoral counselling in church ends and professional intervention is crucial.

Even in a ‘secular’ publication, it is surprising that there is no reference to issues of religion and faith - for good or ill. I would have thought that an introductory textbook would have recognised that religion can play a part in the complexities of mental illness, let alone acknowledged that caring Christian communities can be therapeutic places of healing, refuge and comfort.

Chris Skilton

Archdeacon of Lambeth and Board Member of Ministry Today

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You are reading Issue 39 of Ministry Today, published in March 2007.

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