Author: | Anthony M Smith |
Published By: | Kingsway (Eastbourne) |
Pages: | 175 |
Price: | £6.99 |
ISBN: | 1 84291 249 6 |
This book has the feel of an introduction to a very controversial topic and is written for Christians “who are facing the issue of an incurable illness”. In order to facilitate this journey, we have 12 chapters looking at all the relevant concerns and questions. The speed of the debate on euthanasia, and particularly physician aided suicide, means that this book does not include anything on Lord Joffe’s Bill that was defeated in the Lords in 2006.
The book will appeal to the person who wishes to acquaint themselves with the debate and introduce the topic to their church. For those wishing for a robust discussion of the viewpoints of those who wish to see the law changed to allow euthanasia in the United Kingdom, the reader will need to look elsewhere.
You are reading Issue 39 of Ministry Today, published in March 2007.
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