Author: | David A Brandos |
Published By: | Augsburg Fortress (Minneapolis) |
Price: | $10.99 |
ISBN: | 0 8066 4935 6 |
To this end he looks in turn at the Old Testament understanding of Law, Jesus’ reinterpretation of it, Paul’s treatment of the Hebrew Scriptures and Jesus’ teaching, and some of the issues which arise when we interpret the Bible today. He concludes that Scripture guides us, but does not bind us. For example, he believes that allowing divorce and remarriage may be against the letter of Jesus’ teaching, but is in keeping with the spirit of it. In such a short work, the treatment is necessarily superficial, but he does raise some meaty issues, and will definitely give readers who have not considered these issues plenty of food for thought. To encourage this, each chapter ends with questions for reflection or discussion.
You are reading Issue 39 of Ministry Today, published in March 2007.
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