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The Story of Israel: a biblical theology

Author: Various (see review)
Published By: IVP/Apollos (Illinois/Leicester)
Pages: 320
Price: £14.99
ISBN: 1 84474 055 2

Reviewed by P Mark Pullinger.

This volume looks like a rather weary old cardboard box left in a corner not containing anything of great importance. Its labelling doesn’t attract much attention either. HOWEVER - on opening the covers great treasures shine out from every page!

The six authors (C Marvin Pate, J Scott Duvall, J Daniel Hays, E Randolph Richards, W. Dennis Tucker Jr and Preven Vang) have tackled the issue of the unity of the Bible, and while respecting the individualities of the different literary forms and styles, seek always to draw them into the greater context of the over-arching themes and design that make up the whole story from Genesis to Revelation. Again, against that which the title might imply, the whole story of Israel, old and new covenant, is dealt with. Indeed, more than half the pages are spent on the writings of the New Testament. The authors present their argument well that the greater unity of the story of redemption encompassing a diversity of motifs and sub-themes is held and developed through the scheme of books.

For the busy preacher, there is depth in dealing with each book of the Bible, with abundant footnotes pointing to further study, while maintaining the connection with the greater structures. Many charts and tables make the information contained in this study eminently accessible and practical. This is a book that would serve well on the shelf of all Bible preachers and teachers - a ready and accessible repository of contextual insight and theological perspectives.

P Mark Pullinger

Assistant Curate in South London, with interests in music, liturgy, and biblical studies, particularly in helping others explore the larger shapes and threads which form and unite both Testaments.

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You are reading Issue 39 of Ministry Today, published in March 2007.

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