Editor’s note: There has been some discussion in Ministry Today over the years about terms of service of ministers and clergy. This article responds theologically to the principle of establishing terms of service and will therefore be of interest of clergy and Christian leaders of all denominations, although it comes ...
The traditional role of the priest in British society has now been taken over by the doctor, to the detriment of the priest, society, and the doctor. Discuss. Our weary family GP made this observation, reflecting on the number of calls he had recently been asked to make to homes ...
Churches in Britain are finding it more and more difficult to engage in effective evangelism, with the result that fewer and fewer people are becoming Christians. According to the UK Christian Handbook for 2005/2006: “If nothing changes, Presbyterian members are forecast to drop 42% in the period 2000 to 2020, ...
Introduction Let me share with you a memorable experience of mine. As I approached this establishment I could not see through the front door, wasn’t sure who would be on the other side; what welcome or unwelcome I might receive. In fact, I hadn’t a clue what I was going ...
I’ve just returned from a three-month sabbatical in Australia and New Zealand, where I gained many insights, including the following: 1. It’s good to remain dissatisfied All the growing churches I visited were actively planning for further growth, and all of them were building further facilities. In the words of ...
Each day since early 2003 begins at 6.30am as the alarm drags us back into the parish we affectionately refer to as Wonderland. We call it Wonderland because, as far as we can tell, everyone here is delightfully, entertainingly, inspiringly potty, including us! They’re all related to each other (very ...
Two days ago I returned home after having spent my very first three nights in hospital. Grateful as I am for the care shown to me, I confess that I returned home questioning one aspect of that care, namely: is disempowerment a necessary part of the healing process? In one ...
In days gone by, it was not unusual for the captain of a ship to lash himself to the wheel as the ship rode out a storm. That action had a symbolism which went beyond a mere fear of being washed overboard. It marked a determination not to abandon ship ...
The Prayer God Longs For (IVP. Leicester 2005; 124pp; £6.99; ISBN 1 84474 091 9) by James Emery White, is a short book of eight short chapters, giving us a delightful set of reflections on the Lord’s Prayer. It is full of thoughtful comment, good stories and appropriate quotations. It ...
You are reading Issue 37 of Ministry Today, published in July 2006.
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